Wednesday 14 June 2017

🖤 Poppy 100wc T2W7 🖤

Dear Andrew Sesay,

I think you're amazing how you save lives at Binkolo Health Clinic every day! You’re a great role model and an awesome inspiration to young people like me. It would be amazing with people like yourself in Sierra Leone. I’m sure everyone in your family is very proud of you. Do you like sleeping at the hospital?. Keep saving lives, children and women, thank you!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Poppy

    I really like the style of your writing in this letter, it has a relaxed and chatty style and isn't too formal. I think this may be down to your final sentence which also does a great job of rounding off your writing.
    Miss T
    Hampshire, England


I really liked . . . because . . .
I really liked the way you . . .
I enjoyed reading this because . . .
It was especially good when you . . . because . . .

I think you need to . . . because . . .
Next time you write . . .
Think about adding . . .
Have you thought about . . .
To improve your . . . try . . .
Perhaps you could . . .