Another day is just washing away and now we are heading overseas in just two more days. As we leave the house I feel uncomfortable, I have lived in this old cottage my entire life, and now we are just going to pack up and leave it. I’m in the and about to exit. Mice are running up and down my stomach. My house is a little bungalow in the woods deep in Africa. I quickly go over my life memories here and make a mental note not to forget them. Then we leave. But then the weather changed dramatically...
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Connor T2W9
The weather that changed dramatically
I put my nice colourful hat on my head and stepped onto the beach with my jandals on my feet. It was a scorching hot day, so I slapped sunblock all over myself. Sitting down on my fluffy towel, I watched the sparkling blue waves crash onto the sandy beach, all while eating a nice chocolate ice-cream. I decided to take a short swim in the ocean and then all of a sudden the weather changed dramatically. The wind was blowing the sand everywhere and next thing there was sand in my eyes and mouth. Rubbing my eyes I was finally able to reopen them again. Typical Wellington Weather.
Rylee 100WC T2W9
100 WC T2W9
Sweat drips down my face like ice melting. The sun's heatwaves rush towards me. I take another step upwards, “BOOM” I crash. Lying in the mossy grass, wanting the day to end. People running past that have no care. Scrambling around for my drink bottle I take the few drops I have. But then the weather changed dramatically. The river rises. The sky was covered by a cloudy blanket, heavy rain still made its way. Everyone running down to the bottom of the hill with disappointment. But the one and only Sophia Clarke standing there twirling in the rain.
By Rylee Smith
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Izzy 100WC T2W9
The sun beamed brightly through the tinted windows, in what felt like the hottest day of the year, but then the weather changed dramatically. Just as the clock would turn from morning to noon, a huge, mysterious, grey cloud covered the sky like an enormous blanket. The temperature also suddenly changed as well! The sunny, hot, fuzzy affection turned to a freezing, stiff and icy feeling. As if on cue the rain started crashing down like waves in the sea. Soon enough thunder and lightning joined the club as well. It’s so strange how the weather changes just like that.
Alice T2WK8 100WC
Lazy days on the beach are not ones to miss.
It pure paradise to be lying on the golden sand. Then the weather changed dramatically from blue skies, blazing sun, to dark grey clouds smothering the sun and the steady stream of rain. Suddenly I caught a glimpse of a swirling funnel shaped thing, picking up more sand with every movement slowly getting closer. I didn’t think for one more second, I picked up my belongings and sprinted for shelter. I watched closely in despair from a nearby crowded supermarket as the spiralling tornado made its mark on the town.
Grace T2W9
I woke up this morning super excited because we were going to walk up Mount Maunganui and have a picnic know that when I woke up this morning it was raining cats and dogs I was so disappointed I ran to Mum and ask if we were still going and mum said “yes we I still going and just see how the weather is”said Abby's mum. so if I win and started packing a picnic, I packed some yummy cut up apples, some orange juice, in some yummy ham and cheese sandwiches. as we got in the car dad saidQ it's such a shame the weather's so yuck”. but then the weather changed dramatically. so if we went on our picnic and now the weather is lovely.
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Sam 100WC T2W9
My best friend Evie and I trudged up the Devil's Staircase on the Mt Tongariro walk for an whole hour. When we got to the top and finally rested our legs it felt like heaven. We stopped to admire what a beautiful and sunny day it was but then the weather changed dramatically. It started to bucket down and the temperature dropped enormously. I was well prepared and took out my thermals and raincoat. But Evie wasn’t as prepared and started to get hypothermia. There was no one anywhere at all. I was panicking. How can I help my friend?......
Poppy's 100WC T2W9
It was a cold freezing morning. I had at least three layers on. I decided to put another jacket on but then the weather changed dramatically, the sun came out, all the ice melted onto the beautiful green grass. I went inside to take off all the layers I had on to change into my togs. After I changed I went outside again and jumped into the pool but when I came up the sky was all cloudy and it started to rain, I went inside, looked back and the sky was clear.
Corbin 100WC T2W9
One morning we woke up and it was surprisingly warm, as it progressed through the week it started getting hotter and hotter, I was very suspicious about it. I woke up the next morning and it was a little cold luckily not too bad, But then the weather changed dramatically it was 34.5C people were frying eggs on the bonnet of their cars, they even made cookie dough and put it outside for the sun to cook it. I saw letter box's melting and people were wearing oven mitts because their car steering wheels were scorching hot, I was flabbergasted.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Bradley 100WC T2W9
Heat Wave
Hi, my name is Harry and at my school, we wear blazers, ties and socks all year round. In summer at school, it gets to the 30’s in Celsius. So you’re sitting in class boiling to your death but then you’re saved by the bell and are free to go outside. Some days get so hot like last Tuesday, I was sitting doing social studies but then the weather changed dramatically and the teacher had announced that there was a Heat Wave! Thank goodness we were allowed to take off our tie and blazer otherwise who knows what would’ve happened
Sunday, 25 June 2017
I was at the beach. It was extremely hot, I felt like
I was on fire. I could feel the sun burning on my back.
I got up to finally go for a swim, I hadn’t had a swim in ages.
I got into the water, it was so refreshing. I dove underwater.
I could feel sweet sensation on my skin. I swam to the surface.
I started to feel cold. I opened my eyes. The sky was black,
but then weather changed dramatically. The sun was out again.
I felt a tingle run down my spine. What was happening?
I was on fire. I could feel the sun burning on my back.
I got up to finally go for a swim, I hadn’t had a swim in ages.
I got into the water, it was so refreshing. I dove underwater.
I could feel sweet sensation on my skin. I swam to the surface.
I started to feel cold. I opened my eyes. The sky was black,
but then weather changed dramatically. The sun was out again.
I felt a tingle run down my spine. What was happening?
Benji ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
100 Word Challenge
Gibson Zander, a crazy sea feared vigilante sailing the high seas of the Caribbean. “Ahoy Mateys” Lester ‘yellow teeth’ Atterton shouts from the edge of the crows nest. “Enemy ship approaching” Burney Louis quickly slips down the ropes to ring the bell, but when the weather changed dramatically the howling winds blew him off overboard rushing the men faster. When suddenly lots of explosions go off with whistling loud balls of fury howling their way towards the ship hitting a man and knocking down one of the sail posts. No One on that boat made it out of there alive.
Morgan 100WC WK 7
100 word challenge 
I'm trying to find way through the pitch dark hallway. The only thing i had to find her was her bellow screaming. Her screaming got louder and louder. Eventually I found her lying in a bed. She screamed, “help me.” I urgently asked her, “what was wrong?” The only reply i got was, “it hurts.” I quickly but carefully picked her up and fast walked through the hallway and out to my rundown truck. I carefully laid her in the two back seats. Then i ran to my drivers seat and drove as quickly as i could to the hospital.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Bradley 100WC T2W8
The Egg
Blake is your average guy. He has a good job and has a reasonable amount of money. But, one day something very weird happened. A giant creamy caramel chocolate egg fell from the sky! The egg created havoc, blocking the main road and causing heaps of traffic. All the emergency services and construction workers came to take a look at the mysterious egg. Blake took his magnifying glass out of his pocket and examined the egg. The sun was shining bright, but the egg wasn’t melting! Blake touched the egg with his hand… SPLAT! SPLAT! Now it’s raining chocolate eggs!
Max 100wc T2W8
While Jim and Frankie were working a giant chocolate egg appeared out of nowhere and landed right next to them. So they decided to close the site for the day while they examined the egg. While they were examining the egg jim decided to crack the egg open and inside they found the easter bunny. Jim and Frankie thought to themselves estar was yesterday so what is he doing. But then the easter bunny jumped super high then started throwing out easter eggs. Then Jim thought to himself i wonder why the easter bunny is doing this for us.
Jordi 100wc T2 W8
BOOM ! egg yolk splatters everywhere. There goes the world's largest chocolate egg. Whats going on ? well it all started on the day before easter . . . The mayor of plastic town wanted to do something special for the plastic people so he decided to make a humongous chocolate egg. This was made not to eat but to gaze upon. The inside of of the egg was made from toxic goo. On easter morning the plastic people heard a BOOM ! so the mayor came to see what had made the awful sound. Suddenly he noticed radioactive goo oozing from the jumbo chocolate egg.
Natasha T2W8
I’m looking at the clock waiting for it to strike five. Suddenly a terrifying sound comes from my left and I look around. Everyone’s is staring at the sound curiously. Taking the steps there I don’t feel very comfortable and I know that something is wrong. We go and all investigate what is happening but then what we found was horrific and very disappointing. All of our hard work was slowly melting away. Fro the past 6 months we all had been attempting to make the world’s biggest easter egg, filled with chocolate. And ughhhh someone seemed to crack it!
Once upon a time lived a boy called James who was 11 years old, he had two parents called Tanya and Jim . Sadly they were very poor same with everyone in his town. James parents only just got by the rent. James best friend Tim is very poor to, they are so poor they have never had a lollie called a Jaffaa. One dad Tanya went and got a bag of Jaffas for James but James new he had to go share it with his best friend Tim and that’s what he did. After that day they both became BFF’s.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
On know chocolate mountain fall again and it's blocking the way to mushmellow valley. The poor little M&M people will be devastated Because it's blocking the way to their homes.I have 1 hour to fix it before everyone comes home from their jobs. Ok so all i have to do is move the thick chocolate syrup that came out of chocolate mountain and the road will be clear. So that's what i did and just in time . All the little M&M people cried .They were all very thankful . All the M&M people got back in there gummybear cars and went home.
100wc w8 t2
I was driving in my hot wheels, cruising down the floor passing traffic, i needed to go to the mouse cage to renew my drivers licence. When i was done there was so much traffic by lower east side because the tomato sauce, dropped all over the table, so i have to take the long way past the chocolate yolky egg.When i passed the i went straight for a couple of minutes, then stopped because the big chocolate yolky egg has dropped and hit the floor hard oh! I am going to be late for work.
That’s all yolks
Rylee - 100 WC T2W8
100 WC T2W8
Grabbing the bag, I run. The plane takes off moving over the heads below. The towers struck my sight, “ full speed ahead” I yell. I look at my friends that are wearing black clothing. It drops. The bomb shattered the building that was holding for years. Crumbling down it looks like the chocolate egg cracking. The orange jackets stand out against the crowd. People running and screaming for their lives as the skyscraper explodes down. Sirens take over the screaming through the city. We go higher into the clouds until we reach the brightness of the sun. Everything went black.
Grabbing the bag, I run. The plane takes off moving over the heads below. The towers struck my sight, “ full speed ahead” I yell. I look at my friends that are wearing black clothing. It drops. The bomb shattered the building that was holding for years. Crumbling down it looks like the chocolate egg cracking. The orange jackets stand out against the crowd. People running and screaming for their lives as the skyscraper explodes down. Sirens take over the screaming through the city. We go higher into the clouds until we reach the brightness of the sun. Everything went black.
Connor 100WC T2W8
The Disaster
The pipe could burst any minute now explained Fred. I was a new recruit for a business called Bosses Plumbing. It was my first day on the job and we’d just been called to a dangerous leaking pipe on Fifth Avenue. Once we got there Fred came up with a plan and we started to try and fix the leak.
Before I knew it the pipe ruptured and water came gushing out. The water was flowing rapidly and I found myself being thrown forward onto the hard concrete ground. I quickly got to my feet and looked around to see if my work mates were ok. We luckily managed to come away with no injuries.
lui 100wc t2 w8
Egg flow is a yearly celebration. Many workers spend months on creating this amazing sculpture. There is always someone inside the egg to make it more exciting for the kids. This year it’s Egg flows 100th celebration so it has got to be very spectacular. The workers have to leave their families because it has got to be sculptured 24/7. It’s just layering chocolate in a freezing cold freezer. The egg gets loaded into a freezer trailer and is transported to the town's center. When it gets there crack! It gets split in half everyone enjoys the chocolate egg.
Poppy 100WC T2W8
It wasn’t long till I realised where I was, my father led me towards a big bookshelf. He pulled out a book and a door appeared. My father told me that I was to tell no one about this secret. We went through a very small door. We came into a huge room with a huge ball of chocolate in the centre. There were three men `working on the chocolate ball. The ball had been split open with white and yellow goo spilling out all over the floor. My father walked towards me and said that this was all mine.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Sam 100WC T2W8
As I walked into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory for my first day on the job I could smell the sweet aroma of chocolate. When I walked in the door an adorable munchkin grabbed me by the arm and took me to where I was to work for the next few months. I was working on a giant cream egg. I was absolutely delighted they are my favourite! I got to work very quickly. There were two workers with me, they instructed me to check the texture of the filling but as I went to check it I lost my footing…….
Matthew 100wc wk8
We were all on the construction site when like a meteor a brown object came crashing down on the earth.When we got to it it smashed in half revealing white and orange goo to fall out.It’s surface was hard and thick and so was the goo.When Jeff stood on the white goo he found it was he didn’t fall right through it.They saw it was a egg shaped object and the goo reminded them of egg yolk.Bob proceeded to put down road cones around it for no reason at all.Suddenly the egg blew up.
Corbin 100WC T2W8
Fred, george and Harry thought it would be a cracker of an idea to unwrap this giant cream egg. Then it rolled off the table splatting and gushing out creamy deliciousness causing a safety hazard requiring safety cones. George decided to climb up into the centre of the creamy egg and harry couldn't resist the temptation to taste the luscious egg. This causing him to get stuck and Fred laughing his head off, But while Fred was laughing and Harry had his hand stuck George was sinking into the gooeyness. As soon as Fred stopped laughing he realised something.
Ashtons 100wc W8
My name is Jamie Williams I was a victim of the biggest egg crack in the world. Yock covered the whole city also me. Before the attack of the egg, I was doing my job like normal. All of a sudden I hear a ferocious rumble then crash! through the building "aaaa!" I heard screaming and shouting from the other side of the building I ran as fast as I could down the emergency stairs. Five floors down until finally I made it I opened the door and all this gooey liquid. Thats when everything went black.
Monday, 19 June 2017
Izzy 100 WC T2W8
As the oozing cream came pouring out of delicious object. I knew I had to act on my feet. Running straight to the school's classrooms to grab cones and extra chocolate to patch up the rest of the rest of my cream egg. Everyone was crowding wanting to take a bite, but they couldn’t it was my chocolate and the cones weren’t holding them in. There was only one thing to do, I evenly shared the creamy egg, so that everyone got a little bit of the chocolate. So give a little, you never know you might get some back.
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Charlie 100Wc T2 W8
Ahh another dumb assignment and right after the holidays too. Me and leo sit there with blank heads try to think of a movie involving tiny construction men. As we pack up Leo spills the box of marshmallow easter eggs. They drop to the ground and crack spilling out the yum gooey egg inside. Then because Leo’s such a clucks, as he bends drown the box full of the construction men tills over and they fall onto the egg. “Stop leo” i shout. I rearrange some things and place some cones. I think I found out movie plot.” I say Triumphantly.
Benji ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ T2W8
"Beep Beep Beep Beep" John smashes the alarm, jumping in his orange vest ready to get to the scene. "hiss" the walkie-talkie went urrr , we have reports of a milk spill 642 row" John jumped in his fire truck arriving quickly to the scene. there were already a couple of police cars at the site and a worker at chocolate co had been trapped under chocolate and needed a life out. john and his team got in the fire ladder and got the chocolate off him. they went back to the station and celebrated with a nice warm hot chocolate.
I looked through the hole in the garden.
I looked at the tiny village below me.
I could see three men working on a
building site.I felt a thud on my head,
It was my annoying little sister, Isla.
Oh No, she isn’t meant to know about
the secret world below. She looked through
the hole, She laughed scarily. She pulled
out one of her easter eggs and she threw
it down the hole. There was a big Bang!
The egg smashed and the insides poured
everywhere. The men below surrounded
the egg and my little sister ran away.
I looked at the tiny village below me.
I could see three men working on a
building site.I felt a thud on my head,
It was my annoying little sister, Isla.
Oh No, she isn’t meant to know about
the secret world below. She looked through
the hole, She laughed scarily. She pulled
out one of her easter eggs and she threw
it down the hole. There was a big Bang!
The egg smashed and the insides poured
everywhere. The men below surrounded
the egg and my little sister ran away.
Alice T2WK8 100WC
The Mysterious Malteser Mystery
I was casually walking down the sidewalk eating creamy maltesers, popping them in my mouth one by one, when I came across one that was rather tingly and hard. I spat it out in disgust and it cracked open on the concrete and the gooey contents oozed out of the hard chocolate shell. I stared at it in awe. To worsen my situation mini construction workers hopped out of the malteser and began to place cones around the outside of the gooey mess as if it was hazardous. I looked at what was happening, then I swiftly turned and bolted.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Rosie T2W7
Dear Mr. Andrew Sesay, first i'd like to say thank you for giving up your time and for sleeping away from home to save women and their babies. I think that what you are doing is amazingly selfless and kind. I hope you know how much you are appreciated. With all the lives of women and babies you have saved, I wonder what it feels like to successfully save a life. I admire how you have persevered and practiced. It is a great pleasure to be writing this letter to you. Good wishes to drawing breath.
Rosie Lloyd
Emma 100WC T2W7
Dear Andrew,
You are very brave and inspiring for many reasons. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have someone’s life depend on you. How long did you have to train before you started working? How many lives have you saved? It is brave of you to stay away from your home and family all the time and stay at work instead. Do you ever get holidays and does your family get to visit you often? I think it is very kind of you to stay at work 24/7 to help others who could die.
From Emma
100wc lui
How many years of training did you need until you were allowed to work?it must be such a stressful job especially when people's lives depend on you! As it says you work 24/7 is that true or do you ever see your family? If you don't then that is an amazing commitment only good. I find it very fascinating what you do and how you do it. Because most of the time we are surrounded by top equipment and you do it with only a solar light!Wow! I think it is just amazing what you are doing.
Jordi 100WC T2W7
Thank you so much,
Andrew Sesay for sleeping overnight in the health centre and for being on call 24/7 to help mothers and babies who are not so lucky. I think it is so sad that women in Sierra Leone are one hundred times more likely to die during childbirth than those in the UK. Do you ever feel like it is your fault if someone dies? Do you make enough money to supply food for your family? Do you miss your family? Im pleased to know that there are people like you in the world serving other selflessly.
Dear Andrew I think what you are doing is absolutely amazing.Taking time away from your family to help woman and there babeys 24/7 is extraordinary. How do you keep calm when someone's life is on the line ?What made you want to do what you do ? I think what you're doing is amazing taking time away from your loved ones to save and help people is amazing.What influenced you to be a doctor? I personally think you are are great role model.Do you enjoy what you do ? I think that you should get all the facilities you need.
Matthew wk7
You have inspired Lots of people and I would just like to say thank you for very think you have done for the world.Because you what you have done a lot of people can enjoy there lives happier.You have helped women and babies survive and have helped people in need as well.Thank you for doing everything you have done for everyone.Do you enjoy what you are doing?if not what else would you do? If you would do something else what would it be?Everyone is happy for what you have done.again Thank you for this.
Natasha T2W7
Dear Andrew:
What is it like to have someone’s life depending on you? You must be under a lot of pressure when there is an emergency. What is it feel like when a baby is born and your work is accomplished? What’s it like to stay away from your family? Do you ever think about changing jobs? Are you ever expecting yourself to fail? Or have you ever failed in delivering a baby? Did you want to be a doctor ever since you were young? If so, what created your interest in helping people? You’re a great role model Andrew!
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Dear Andrew Sesay,
You are a very inspiring man because you help heaps
of mothers and babies in need even without the facilities
needed. What is it like being a doctor and having the
pressure of having to save someone? Do you ever get
freaked out when you need equipment and you don’t have it?
What equipment are you able to have? What has been the
hardest appointment that you have ever had? What is Sierra
Leone like? What is the most common disease in
Sierra Leone? How many deaths have you had this
year so far in Sierra Leone?
Max 100wc T2W7
Dear Andrew
I think it is really nice of you to do what you’r doing. I think it is a big scrafice to do what you are doing because you have to stay away from your family. Do you like your job and if you could would you choose a diffrent job. when did you start doing your job and why did you chose to do Vso as your job. did you have to train for your job. Have you ever had to try to get to two places at once how. Many people work for Vso
Your sincerely Max
Connor 100WC T2W7
Dear Andrew,
Your story is truly incredible. Your concern and care for others is very inspiring to me. I can not imagine what it would be like to work in a stressful environment, in the dark and without the right equipment for the job. I think that every child deserves a good future and I think that you are making this happen, you are working very hard to ensure that the parents and babies can have a future together.
I would like to understand more about the type of conditions you live in?
How do you provide for your family when you don’t get much money?
Keep doing what you are doing and keep saving the lives of many parents and babies.
🖤 Poppy 100wc T2W7 🖤
Dear Andrew Sesay,
I think you're amazing how you save lives at Binkolo Health Clinic every day! You’re a great role model and an awesome inspiration to young people like me. It would be amazing with people like yourself in Sierra Leone. I’m sure everyone in your family is very proud of you. Do you like sleeping at the hospital?. Keep saving lives, children and women, thank you!
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Bradley 100WC T2W7
Dear Andrew
I always thought being a doctor was a cool job, but under your conditions it would be stressful, not having all the required equipment and tools. With your expertise, your job must be much easier to do rather than picking some random person off the street and say to them “Hey! You, come and deliver a baby for me!” Because they would be like “Me, you talking to me?” They might not even know how to do an injection let alone deliver a baby. Keep on doing what you do because you’re doing a great job!
Corbin 100WC T2W7
Dear Andrew
I feel very sorry for you when you get no light is that annoying for you? Is sierra leone a nice and friendly place? Does the job you do get you stressed? I would hate to have no light or equipment because you would get cold and sick. How many times do you see your family a month? If you had a choice would you leave your job and do something else or stay where you are saving people's lives? I will tell everyone about this so they can donate to save people’s lives.
Very Kind Regards
I feel very sorry for you when you get no light is that annoying for you? Is sierra leone a nice and friendly place? Does the job you do get you stressed? I would hate to have no light or equipment because you would get cold and sick. How many times do you see your family a month? If you had a choice would you leave your job and do something else or stay where you are saving people's lives? I will tell everyone about this so they can donate to save people’s lives.
Very Kind Regards
100 Wc T2 W7
Dear Andrew......
100 Wc T2 W7
Dear Andrew,
Here in New Zealand we have heard about all the work you are doing in Sara Leoin. We would like to thank you for all the wonderful work you have done and for the sacrifice you have made. Without you many people would have suffered. We were greatly disturbed to know you do most of your work is done without vital equipment. We hope by doing thing, you are able to receive more equipment to help you in your Important job. Again thank you so much and we wish you all the best for the future.
From Charlie
Rylee 100 WC T2W7
Dear Mr Sesay,
Thank you so much for all that you do in Sierra Leone it is wonderful. It moves my heart to know that you are doing this all to help pregnant women everywhere, It is truly amazing what you do! You are very kind and I’m sure your country really appreciates that. To know that you do this for all these people would be a great achievement, you would be a fantastic role model to everyone in your delightful country. How do you keep up with all of your patients? Again thanks you so much.
Yours Sincerely,
jordon 100w t2 w7
100 word challenge week 7 term2
One day i was in the break room chatting to my colleague then (bee doo bee doo) a emergency they need me. I Jumped up off my chair and rushed to the patient's room the nurse said to me this woman needs help delivering the baby,so then i out on my rubber gloves and got ready for theater. Meanwhile the nurses got her ready for theater. When it was time to do the surgery i had my work colleagues around me, it was time to do the c- section. We cut the stomach and got the baby out safely.
Monday, 12 June 2017
Benji ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Dear Andrew
The effort and generosity you give and what you do is remarkable. I can’t imagine how grateful and happy the people you have helped are. How often do you go home? You are truly an amazing man, and what you do for your community is amazing I don’t think many people could keep up with a 24/7 schedule like you can. Thank you so much from me and I’m sure all of the people in Sierra Leone. Everyone in your community is so lucky to have you. I wish you the best of luck to continue what you do.
Alice 100WC WK7
Dear Andrew Sesay,
Your work that you do is extremely important and some people don’t realise that. It is greatly appreciated. Without you some woman wouldn’t be here today.
Staying away from your family and ready for calls is not something that everyone could achieve. We need more willing, committed people like you so we can save more lives. Which keeps me thinking, What inspired you to work in the VSO? How does volunteering to help people's lives make you feel?
Overall your work is truly amazing and you should be recognised more. You’re making the world a better place.
Ashtons 100WC Week 7 Term 2
Dear Andrew
I have been moved by your amazing work that you do and I think that you make a difference to the several lives that you saved.The peoples lives that you save would probably not still be alive if you weren't there but you were there for these people like Sierra Leone. I couldn't thank you anymore for the amazing job that you do. Why do you do this job? I ask. No other people could have the perseverance that you do. Your job is so hard that most people would not take the job.
Kind Regards Ashton
I have been moved by your amazing work that you do and I think that you make a difference to the several lives that you saved.The peoples lives that you save would probably not still be alive if you weren't there but you were there for these people like Sierra Leone. I couldn't thank you anymore for the amazing job that you do. Why do you do this job? I ask. No other people could have the perseverance that you do. Your job is so hard that most people would not take the job.
Kind Regards Ashton
Izzy 100WC T2W7
Dear Andrew
I believe you are the most kindest and generous person in Sierra Leone. If I was put in your position, the pressure would get to me, I don’t know how you do it. Do you ever see your friends and family? I strongly believe the resources you need for your work should be given to you instantly, like the solar lights! What has been the hardest situation to deliver a baby. The hours you put in must be a huge commitment. I understand your job must not be the easiest, we are here to help out.
From Izzy
Sam 100WC T2W7
Dear Mr Sesay,
Thank you so much for all, the work that you do in Sierra Leone it is truly amazing! You are such a wonderful inspiration to young people such as myself. Your a great role model because you are so selfless and kind. Your Country is very lucky to have you! I bet the women in your country are extremely happy and thank you with all of their hearts. How do you have the energy to look after so many patients day after day? Thank you so much for all the hard work you do You're amazing!
Sunday, 11 June 2017
Bradley 100WC T2W6
An Unlucky Day
It all started well, walking out the door, homework done, smile on my face. I was waiting for the bus which eventually came. I was walking into class when it struck me - my back was damp! Like lightning I opened my bag to check what was up - my water bottle was leaking, the water just kept gushing out, and my homework now ruined, It was all I had. I was anxious, obviously, I got an F and detention. The rest of the day was average. Because of detention, I missed the school bus so I had to walk home alone.
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