Tuesday 28 November 2017

Natasha T4W7

Battery, Sandwich, Energetic, White, Hurried.

It was not a normal day for the Will Smithson that Friday the 13th. You see he didn’t believe that on Friday the 13th very unfortunate things happen to people, that belief didn’t end well with Will. On Friday the 13th 2028, Will was running very late for work and so he quickly checked his phone’s battery was fully charged, grabbed his sandwich and hurried to the door. Even though he is a very energetic person today his face was very white and he was not feeling well for some reason. At work when he was in a very important meeting, he spewed out all his big dinner he had that night before and faced the embarrassment. You see this is a lesson for everyone. Anything can happen to you anytime!


  1. I liked how you told the story from your view.
    Next time, make sure that more punctuation is included.

  2. I liked how you worded your story.
    Next time check your punctuation.

  3. Great job Natasha! I liked how your story is about the future. But maybe next time make sure more punctuation is included

  4. Natasha,
    Poor Will Smithson to have to learn such a hard lesson in such an embarrassing way! I wonder if he has changed his mind about Fri. the 13th? Or, is he going to stay true to his beliefs and decide he just simply had a nasty virus?
    Keep writing.
    Mrs. G., Team 100, GES, Guilderland, NY, USA

  5. Great story. I liked how the story was set up.
    Next time maybe you could check your punctuation


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