Sunday, 12 November 2017

Jordi 100WC T4W5

“The quest continues” I mumble as I dream the all the magical, mystical and marvelous adventures. Some with goblins singing, ballerinas transforming and dolphins playing hopscotch. One of my favorite dreams was when there was a girl who know one knew. No one believed in and no one took the time to know her. But she could do the impossible. Once I had a dream that she was in an underground cave with ninjas attacking her, she had a camera that recorded one sentence. “But where would we hide it” I’m just guessing she had to hide some gold coins.


  1. Great work! I liked how you started the story off with speech. Next time make sure your story makes sense as one sentence didn't. Eg:I mumble as I dream the all the magical

  2. I liked your story.
    Next time check for spelling mistakes and that it makes sense.
    ( favourite ) and ( I mumble as I dream the all the magical,).

  3. Nice Story Jordi! Try adding more punctuation also double check you spelling. Apart from that Good Job!

  4. Nice job Jordi I like how you started your story with a speech and a question it sucks the reader in more.

  5. Nice job Jordi I like how you started your story with a speech and a question it sucks the reader in more.


I really liked . . . because . . .
I really liked the way you . . .
I enjoyed reading this because . . .
It was especially good when you . . . because . . .

I think you need to . . . because . . .
Next time you write . . .
Think about adding . . .
Have you thought about . . .
To improve your . . . try . . .
Perhaps you could . . .