Sunday 30 July 2017

Corbin 100WC T3W2

I used to live under a bridge, I hated it there because I was always getting sick and cold. I had no house, money, food or blanket, I was lucky enough to get a nibble of an apple. well I lived about 18 years under the bridge but then the flash made me take a wish I closed my eyes and wished I was a billionaire, then I appeared in a awesome mansion worth 1 billion dollars I kept blinking I was flabbergasted I never knew a shooting star would make wishes come true. It was the good old day’s.



  1. Great story, I really liked The story and how the guy lived under a bridge, I think you could go through and check some spelling eg. hatted - hated manchine - mansion

  2. Thanks for the comment I will

  3. I edited the spelling mistakes

  4. Hi Corbin,
    I enjoyed reading your story.
    I found it sad that you spent 18 years living under a bridge. I'm glad your wish came true.
    Good work this week.
    Mrs Boyce


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